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More About  Jody


Learn more about Jody Hauser


Combining passion and experience enables me to assist you in solidifying and celebrating your commitment to each other. To do so with joy, & in a way that will provide a sturdy foundation for your future.


With a healthy marriage of 38 years I am passionate about relationship, in particular strengthening community through relationship.

Professionally, I have worked with just about every age group possible, with many different cultures and community groups, building and strengthening relationships; particularly in the area of wellbeing.


With 35 years experience in program design & implementation; including public presentation &speaking, I’ve worked along-side many focus groups. Together we have taken varied journeys of growth, to embrace life and connection. At the completion of each program, there is always a celebration and a ceremony, so I am no stranger to this role.


My speciality is to overcome barriers and connect people inter –generationally and cross-culturally, by bringing delight and acceptance of the individual, whilst supporting unity in diversity.




Personally, I find life is filled with delight, having 3 daughters; all with wonderful men, and 7 adorable grandchildren. Faith, Family and Fun are my way of doing community.  Recreationally, I love sport, reading and nature.


Yes I have a faith, which is very real and personal. With that comes a respect of choice. Whilst I can design and deliver ceremonies that are faith-based, I am more than capable and experienced in successfully directing celebrations for those who choose not to practise a faith.


I believe that family is the core of community, however that looks. As such, I whole-heartily align with the Australian Government Family Law Act (section 43) that declares “the family is the cornerstone of society. It is for this reason, that it protects and nurtures the institution of marriage........”


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